Friday, 14 November 2014

Twitter Life or should I say, 5SOS are taking over....

Hey up!

So.. I joined Twitter recently ( I know right,, where have I been the past 4 years? XD) and it has been taking over my life,, or should I say, my night-times, since that is when I am most online.
It really sucks not having a phone you know... I have to wait until like, 9:00 in the evening,, then frantically search though 5SOS's posts to see if I missed anything awesome.. which is all the time, XD

DERP CON IS TOMORROW!!!! Or should I, since I am writing this at 5:36 AM. What the Hell insomnia!!! Give a girl a break. *sighs*

So,, I have 352 followers on twitter now... I am considering that an achievement since I only joined about a month ago.. I'm still waiting for a follow from my Sunshine/4, but I'm sure I will get there someday. I try not to be all,,, you know, up in thier faces, d'you get me? Rather than spamming them with loads of tweets begging them to follow me or making derogatory comment involving grotesque sexual stuff,,,, I kinda make my presence known with just being...nice you know? I mean,,, They're people just like us, they have feelings, and I'm pretty sure they want to be left the f**k alone sometimes as I try to be the quiet fan. Although sometimes I wanna scream with frustration when they follow one of the really screamy obnoxious fans and not me...

ANNNYWAY!!! Where was I before I got distracted by those boys? Ah,, How comes the celebrities only have like,, a couple of hundred favourites on Twitter? I have over a thousand and I've barely been on for a month, XD

I am having reeeal bad chocolate cravings right now. *insert crying emoji* WAAAAH
It's that time of month I guess. WHY MEEE!!!! AAAAAAH..

My uncle is staying over the night.. It feels really wierd when there is someone in the house who isn't normally there lol..

I need to peeeeeee but I'm too warm and cosy to get out of my uncle is in the room next to the toilet and, call me wierd,, but I hate it when people hear me peeing lol....

I love it when I find really pretty quotes on the Internet...but I hate it when there are no cool pictures to match.. grrr..on the bright side,, I can make my own!!!

I'm going to finish this post now,, And I will try to post more regularly from now on.. I actually completely forgot that I had this blog, XD.

I love y'all!!!

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