Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Sad eyes and pretty hair

Hi everyone!

I'm going through a sad moment in my life right now. My sister moved to Malaysia about a month ago, and I've got like, delayed depression I think is the best thing to call it... Plus my parents are now going through a divorce which really, really sucks....

I wanna curl up in the corner and cry right now, But I've got to post for you guys because otherwise you wont love me anymore and I'll cry harder.

Anyway, Why am I bringing you all down with me when I could cheer up the world and myself in the process??? Optimism is everything nowadays.

First thing first.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL CLIFFORD!!!!!  Have an amazing day birthday boy!

Secondly,,, I just did the most awesome thing with my hair and I swear it looks sooo pretty!!! If I could take pictures with my eyes and send them to the computer by telepathy or something,, I would've done it by now.. ^.^

My hair looks kinda like this... but less perfect. ^w^

In other news! I went swimming today for the first time in more than a month... It was insane. Obviously it was really weird going on my own for the first time ever, but I enjoyed myself more towards the end cos I got chatting to a couple girls and we raced until I thought my legs would fall off.
That sentence has really bad connotations doesn't it? I'll try not to think about and plead to the innocent side of you all to do the same lol.

Now that I am exhausted, smell like I washed with bleach, and am so hungry I could eat a horse....  I shall bid thee adieu..

My parents are still awake downstairs.. I can hear them talking. Like, wtf? Nighttime is MY time.. not yours..

I have to sleep now before I pass out over the laptop. (It has been known to happen..)


I love you all!

1 comment:

  1. I hope that thing will be fine soon and you will be happier like before. Great to know that you are coping with it bravely. Thank you for sharing this post
