Double post,,,I know, and each within a few minutes of each other....^.^
The exiting news that I have to share with you is::::::::: *dramatic drumroll*
My mom went to London for a massage course that she goes to, one weekend a month...and she was going to come back with one kitten from the litter my oldest sister's cat had had... Weell,, She came back with TWO!!!!!!!! GYAAAAAAAAAAAAH! My little brothers are torturing them already,,,,but they're used to my nephew so they're not totally vulnerable lol. They know how to escape.
They are called Teddy, (boy) and Bear, (girl) I kid you not,,, Bear actually looks like a bear. *cracks up*
I will try my hardest to upload some pictures, and show you my little beauties!!! Teddy belongs to the whole family. -_-...but my mom got Bear specifically for me because she was my favourite in the beginning. Right now they are both curled up together in their cat carrier. They are going to sleep in my room for the night so they get accustomed to the smell of the house and stuff. I want to see if they will sleep in my bed with m like my old cat used to. We had to leave my little Fletcher (I swear to God I named him that before I had ever heard of a certain Ashton Fletcher Irwin :p..seriously though....) in Morocco when we came back to England from our holiday...(Yes we got a cat on holiday....). But a week before we were due to leave he went missing..we think he got hit my a car, Because he has absolutely no sense of road safety. He used to sit in the middle of the road and watch the traffic speed towards him.... O.O.... So Yeah...We think he got up-close-and-personal with a car. *cries*
Anyway!! Back to the present, and to my two very much alive kitties!!! They are so jumpy poor wickle things.. :(. Teddy is really really shy. He was the runt of the litter poor sod, even though he is the biggest now, he still has a complex...very much a ...What is it called? BUSH-DWELLER!!! I REMEMBERED!! WOOOOO!!! Bear is a tree-dweller. Definitely. She was out in the middle of the room, playing with some weird duck to thingy that my mom bought from Pets at Home, (as opposed to in the shops. kekeke). She loves it...^w^
I'm gonna post a couple of pictures of my other cat, Fletcher.... RIP Fletchie,,,, I love you always.

That's him with the kittens of another cat we rescued, Her name is Ruby. She is still alive,,,^.^ She got hit by a car as well, about a month before we returned to my native England, (home!!home!!!) miraculously, she survived, we think her back was broken, but it healed really well and recently our old neighbour sent us pictures of her and she was perfectly normal which was amazing!!

This was the last time we saw him before he disappeared. :(
He had been sitting under a car or something and had a big black smudge on his handsome face.

And last but definitely not least!! A close-up of his handsome face!!!!!!!!!
Your cat is looking so pretty and we can see the sweet bond of you with your cat. I also love all my pet animals. They are more alike family to me and i call them my kids..:p