So I managed to get some pictures of new kittens, Bear, and Teddy, and I wanted to show them to you guys,,,, here they are! Just so you know, Teddy is the black and white one, (technically he isnt black) and Bear is the smokey Tabby..
There they are!!!!!!!!!!! Little cuties right?
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Monday, 24 November 2014
Teddy, and Bear!!!!!!!
Double post,,,I know, and each within a few minutes of each other....^.^
The exiting news that I have to share with you is::::::::: *dramatic drumroll*
My mom went to London for a massage course that she goes to, one weekend a month...and she was going to come back with one kitten from the litter my oldest sister's cat had had... Weell,, She came back with TWO!!!!!!!! GYAAAAAAAAAAAAH! My little brothers are torturing them already,,,,but they're used to my nephew so they're not totally vulnerable lol. They know how to escape.
They are called Teddy, (boy) and Bear, (girl) I kid you not,,, Bear actually looks like a bear. *cracks up*
I will try my hardest to upload some pictures, and show you my little beauties!!! Teddy belongs to the whole family. -_-...but my mom got Bear specifically for me because she was my favourite in the beginning. Right now they are both curled up together in their cat carrier. They are going to sleep in my room for the night so they get accustomed to the smell of the house and stuff. I want to see if they will sleep in my bed with m like my old cat used to. We had to leave my little Fletcher (I swear to God I named him that before I had ever heard of a certain Ashton Fletcher Irwin :p..seriously though....) in Morocco when we came back to England from our holiday...(Yes we got a cat on holiday....). But a week before we were due to leave he went missing..we think he got hit my a car, Because he has absolutely no sense of road safety. He used to sit in the middle of the road and watch the traffic speed towards him.... O.O.... So Yeah...We think he got up-close-and-personal with a car. *cries*
Anyway!! Back to the present, and to my two very much alive kitties!!! They are so jumpy poor wickle things.. :(. Teddy is really really shy. He was the runt of the litter poor sod, even though he is the biggest now, he still has a complex...very much a ...What is it called? BUSH-DWELLER!!! I REMEMBERED!! WOOOOO!!! Bear is a tree-dweller. Definitely. She was out in the middle of the room, playing with some weird duck to thingy that my mom bought from Pets at Home, (as opposed to in the shops. kekeke). She loves it...^w^
I'm gonna post a couple of pictures of my other cat, Fletcher.... RIP Fletchie,,,, I love you always.

That's him with the kittens of another cat we rescued, Her name is Ruby. She is still alive,,,^.^ She got hit by a car as well, about a month before we returned to my native England, (home!!home!!!) miraculously, she survived, we think her back was broken, but it healed really well and recently our old neighbour sent us pictures of her and she was perfectly normal which was amazing!!

This was the last time we saw him before he disappeared. :(
He had been sitting under a car or something and had a big black smudge on his handsome face.

And last but definitely not least!! A close-up of his handsome face!!!!!!!!!
Them lazy bones....
Hey up!
Alright, so, a couple of people may or may not be wondering about the title of this post...I'm going with the latter, since, I myself understand it perfectly well...
I've named this post this because I feel incredibly tired. Like, aaall the time...also I watched a movie a while ago called " Them lovely bones" I was very nearly crying buckets...anyway, It's been stuck in my head for about a week now for some reason. So I thought maybe getting it out of my head like this will banish it
I apologise for my increasingly lame, short, and boring posts. But I still can't believe that I have had 103 page views. *dances around room*.
I've started to do a couple of drawings...I will hopefully be able to take a couple of pictures on my moms phone, Then I will show the world my great lack of hand-eye coordination!!! I'm sure you all can't wait...*insert laughing emoji*
I'm trying to figure out how to stop my posts coming up on my Google+...So far I am failing...Stop judging me..
I have some exciting news to share with y'all.....
Alright, so, a couple of people may or may not be wondering about the title of this post...I'm going with the latter, since, I myself understand it perfectly well...
I've named this post this because I feel incredibly tired. Like, aaall the time...also I watched a movie a while ago called " Them lovely bones" I was very nearly crying buckets...anyway, It's been stuck in my head for about a week now for some reason. So I thought maybe getting it out of my head like this will banish it
I apologise for my increasingly lame, short, and boring posts. But I still can't believe that I have had 103 page views. *dances around room*.
I've started to do a couple of drawings...I will hopefully be able to take a couple of pictures on my moms phone, Then I will show the world my great lack of hand-eye coordination!!! I'm sure you all can't wait...*insert laughing emoji*
I'm trying to figure out how to stop my posts coming up on my Google+...So far I am failing...Stop judging me..
I have some exciting news to share with y'all.....
Saturday, 22 November 2014
Posters block
I've been thinking for ages what to write about, and I cant think of a damn thing. -_-.
Normally I just open up my blog and write whatever is on my mind. but I don't know what has been happening recently,,, I cant think of anything to do and it really sucks..
I just wanted to update y'all that I might not post for a little while. There are some family problems happening at the moment, what with my sister moving out and my parents getting a divorce... yeah.
My dad seems to think that he can redeem his marriage by ''wooing'' my mom. ( I used his exact word there). He also seems to think that he can use me as a crutch for his feelings. I just sit there and want to scream. It's like, I can't help you with your marriage, I'm just a scared, depressed, 14 year old girl stuck in the crossfire like an awkward third-wheel. I seriously need some chocolate. *cries*
Anyway...I won't depress the world with my family business.
I wrote a story,, if anyone would like to read it and comment.
Please read it....
I love you all!!!
Oyasumi nasai!
I've been thinking for ages what to write about, and I cant think of a damn thing. -_-.
Normally I just open up my blog and write whatever is on my mind. but I don't know what has been happening recently,,, I cant think of anything to do and it really sucks..
I just wanted to update y'all that I might not post for a little while. There are some family problems happening at the moment, what with my sister moving out and my parents getting a divorce... yeah.
My dad seems to think that he can redeem his marriage by ''wooing'' my mom. ( I used his exact word there). He also seems to think that he can use me as a crutch for his feelings. I just sit there and want to scream. It's like, I can't help you with your marriage, I'm just a scared, depressed, 14 year old girl stuck in the crossfire like an awkward third-wheel. I seriously need some chocolate. *cries*
Anyway...I won't depress the world with my family business.
I wrote a story,, if anyone would like to read it and comment.
Please read it....
I love you all!!!
Oyasumi nasai!
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
Sad eyes and pretty hair
Hi everyone!
I'm going through a sad moment in my life right now. My sister moved to Malaysia about a month ago, and I've got like, delayed depression I think is the best thing to call it... Plus my parents are now going through a divorce which really, really sucks....
I wanna curl up in the corner and cry right now, But I've got to post for you guys because otherwise you wont love me anymore and I'll cry harder.
Anyway, Why am I bringing you all down with me when I could cheer up the world and myself in the process??? Optimism is everything nowadays.
First thing first. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL CLIFFORD!!!!! Have an amazing day birthday boy!
Secondly,,, I just did the most awesome thing with my hair and I swear it looks sooo pretty!!! If I could take pictures with my eyes and send them to the computer by telepathy or something,, I would've done it by now.. ^.^

My hair looks kinda like this... but less perfect. ^w^
In other news! I went swimming today for the first time in more than a month... It was insane. Obviously it was really weird going on my own for the first time ever, but I enjoyed myself more towards the end cos I got chatting to a couple girls and we raced until I thought my legs would fall off.
That sentence has really bad connotations doesn't it? I'll try not to think about and plead to the innocent side of you all to do the same lol.
Now that I am exhausted, smell like I washed with bleach, and am so hungry I could eat a horse.... I shall bid thee adieu..
My parents are still awake downstairs.. I can hear them talking. Like, wtf? Nighttime is MY time.. not yours..
I have to sleep now before I pass out over the laptop. (It has been known to happen..)
I love you all!
That sentence has really bad connotations doesn't it? I'll try not to think about and plead to the innocent side of you all to do the same lol.
Now that I am exhausted, smell like I washed with bleach, and am so hungry I could eat a horse.... I shall bid thee adieu..
My parents are still awake downstairs.. I can hear them talking. Like, wtf? Nighttime is MY time.. not yours..
I have to sleep now before I pass out over the laptop. (It has been known to happen..)
I love you all!
Sunday, 16 November 2014
Let's talk about the weather!
I think the title says it all...
I am actually serious though...It is currantly what...ten to One, (in the morning) and it's raining.... and might I add; really heavily. When will the sunshine return? Hopefully not untill morning,,, I have a couple more pages to type up of my story and some final editing to do... and in the wee hours is the only time I get to do my own thing....
I live in a loft room. with one of those windows that is set into the roof,, ( am I even making any sense here?) so the noise of the rain is magnified like,, 1000 times.
Hands up if spiders freak you out. *raises hand*
I drew a really pretty flower onto my wrist, I took a couple of pictures on my mom's phone, and hopefully tomorrow she will let me upload them! yay!
I'm desperate to go to the library... my books are due to go back on 21st...but I've read them all already. Sucks to be me sometimes... I can't say all the time because I 'm awesome really, lol.
I like the smell of bleach.... <3....and petrol... no, I'm not a junkie or anything, I just find those smells very appealing.... Call me crazy, go ahead I'm used to it...XD
There is this wretched song stuck in my head and it wont go away...the worst thing is that it is a song that I really hate. Like, really hate. It's called...oooh what the hell is it's name??? Um.. I think It's called ''Bump and Grime'' by R Kelly or something.. anywhoo,, I dislike it with an intensity that defies the blue of Luke Hemmings' eyes. ( Did'ya like that little comparison I did there? lol... you love me really....)
I stil can't get over how many people have read my blog. I mean, it's nothing that special really....
I still love y'all, *hugs*
I am actually serious though...It is currantly what...ten to One, (in the morning) and it's raining.... and might I add; really heavily. When will the sunshine return? Hopefully not untill morning,,, I have a couple more pages to type up of my story and some final editing to do... and in the wee hours is the only time I get to do my own thing....
I live in a loft room. with one of those windows that is set into the roof,, ( am I even making any sense here?) so the noise of the rain is magnified like,, 1000 times.
Hands up if spiders freak you out. *raises hand*
I drew a really pretty flower onto my wrist, I took a couple of pictures on my mom's phone, and hopefully tomorrow she will let me upload them! yay!
I'm desperate to go to the library... my books are due to go back on 21st...but I've read them all already. Sucks to be me sometimes... I can't say all the time because I 'm awesome really, lol.
I like the smell of bleach.... <3....and petrol... no, I'm not a junkie or anything, I just find those smells very appealing.... Call me crazy, go ahead I'm used to it...XD
There is this wretched song stuck in my head and it wont go away...the worst thing is that it is a song that I really hate. Like, really hate. It's called...oooh what the hell is it's name??? Um.. I think It's called ''Bump and Grime'' by R Kelly or something.. anywhoo,, I dislike it with an intensity that defies the blue of Luke Hemmings' eyes. ( Did'ya like that little comparison I did there? lol... you love me really....)
I stil can't get over how many people have read my blog. I mean, it's nothing that special really....
I still love y'all, *hugs*
Gaining views
I just wanted to post to say thank you To all the people reading my Blog. I went from no page views to having 23 in one day!!! *hugs* Thank you all so much!
Most of the views are from within the UK, which is awesome, ( The page views not the country,, although don't get me wrong... the UK is awesome, XD)
I also have a couple from France, and quite a few in the US and Alaska. I'm like...O.O I'm famous!! WOOOO! lol...
No really, I just want you guys to know that I appreciate you taking the time to read my posts,, even if they are really wierd, and are about nothing in particular. *hugs*
I love you all!!
I just wanted to post to say thank you To all the people reading my Blog. I went from no page views to having 23 in one day!!! *hugs* Thank you all so much!
Most of the views are from within the UK, which is awesome, ( The page views not the country,, although don't get me wrong... the UK is awesome, XD)
I also have a couple from France, and quite a few in the US and Alaska. I'm like...O.O I'm famous!! WOOOO! lol...
No really, I just want you guys to know that I appreciate you taking the time to read my posts,, even if they are really wierd, and are about nothing in particular. *hugs*
I love you all!!
Warm jumpers and imaginary chocolate
Heey up!
I'm cooking... heheh...
My mom says it smells awesome.. I can only hope it tastes as good as it smells, XD
SPAGBOG!!!! Is my family the only one who calls is that? *scratches head* I'm pretty sure we're not....
I am having intense cravings for chocolate and my dad is refusing to go buy me some, WAAAH.
I'm wearing a haauuuge jumper lol,, soo warm and snugly, *grins* I'll just have to raid my little chocolate stash that I think is now empty. meh... why me???
I'm definitely going to out tomorrow and buy some chocolate,, until then my imagination /should/ suffice... We can but hope..
MY TOES ARE SO COLD!!!! I want a onesie with feet on it lol,,, my Mom won't let me buy one,,, she says they are un-flattering... But who am I supposed to be flattering apart from my reflection? And to be totally honest,, it would rather see me cozied up and warm in an oh-so-unflattering-onesie thank blue with cold in fancy PJ's and fluffy socks lol
I just watched 5SOS singing Pizza live... I just died.. Ashton is so enthusiastic lol,, it must have been a relief to get out from behind those drums. And his hair.. *fangirls* Yeah... I'll shut up now...One more thing though... I CAN'T BELIEVE WE WON ARTIST ON THE RISE AGAINST FIFTH HARMONY,,LIKE,,,HELL YEAH!!!!
I heard One Direction's Where Do Broken Hearts Go last night.. It is sooo awesome!!!
(in case you haven't already noticed I am a huge fan of both...)
I'm getting annoyed with all this caps lock now... methinks I'll stop... *nods* good idea...
I've been sitting on my feet so much they're numb... at least they cant feel the cold now.
I'm half way through typing up my new story on wattpad.. I can't decide what to call it though.. Maybe the name of one of their songs or something. ( I think y'all can guess who my fanfic's about lol)
I'm getting a kitten in two weeks' time!!!!!! I'm so excited! He's name is Teddy, He was originally light grey and white tabby but as he got older he's grey bit's darkened so must that he now looks like your average black and white moggy,, nut in the sunlight you can see hes tabby markings which is really cool..
I love kitties.. and for some reason I like them better when they're mine,,, XD. Who agrees?
I have to go now. *cries* Dinner awaits....
I'm cooking... heheh...
My mom says it smells awesome.. I can only hope it tastes as good as it smells, XD
SPAGBOG!!!! Is my family the only one who calls is that? *scratches head* I'm pretty sure we're not....
I am having intense cravings for chocolate and my dad is refusing to go buy me some, WAAAH.
I'm wearing a haauuuge jumper lol,, soo warm and snugly, *grins* I'll just have to raid my little chocolate stash that I think is now empty. meh... why me???
I'm definitely going to out tomorrow and buy some chocolate,, until then my imagination /should/ suffice... We can but hope..
MY TOES ARE SO COLD!!!! I want a onesie with feet on it lol,,, my Mom won't let me buy one,,, she says they are un-flattering... But who am I supposed to be flattering apart from my reflection? And to be totally honest,, it would rather see me cozied up and warm in an oh-so-unflattering-onesie thank blue with cold in fancy PJ's and fluffy socks lol
I just watched 5SOS singing Pizza live... I just died.. Ashton is so enthusiastic lol,, it must have been a relief to get out from behind those drums. And his hair.. *fangirls* Yeah... I'll shut up now...One more thing though... I CAN'T BELIEVE WE WON ARTIST ON THE RISE AGAINST FIFTH HARMONY,,LIKE,,,HELL YEAH!!!!
I heard One Direction's Where Do Broken Hearts Go last night.. It is sooo awesome!!!
(in case you haven't already noticed I am a huge fan of both...)
I'm getting annoyed with all this caps lock now... methinks I'll stop... *nods* good idea...
I've been sitting on my feet so much they're numb... at least they cant feel the cold now.
I'm half way through typing up my new story on wattpad.. I can't decide what to call it though.. Maybe the name of one of their songs or something. ( I think y'all can guess who my fanfic's about lol)
I'm getting a kitten in two weeks' time!!!!!! I'm so excited! He's name is Teddy, He was originally light grey and white tabby but as he got older he's grey bit's darkened so must that he now looks like your average black and white moggy,, nut in the sunlight you can see hes tabby markings which is really cool..
I love kitties.. and for some reason I like them better when they're mine,,, XD. Who agrees?
I have to go now. *cries* Dinner awaits....
Saturday, 15 November 2014
Late Nights, Early Mornings..Meh
Okay,,, Here is a new post for y'all to read and laugh at!!
I Basically,, go to sleep at 8:00 in THE MORNING....then wake up at around 12:00 in the afternoon.... I blame the Internet for this disturbance to my life,,, not to mention my 5SOS playlist on repeat, heheh...
32 page views already!! It might not sound like a lot but I am so happy that people are actually taking the time to read my blog!! If my mom lends me her phone, I will hopefully be able to upload some pictures and make life more interesting.... I mean.. who wants to just sit and read a wall of text? That's right,, No-one....
I'M WRITING A 5SOS FANFIC!!! WOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I'm hopefully gonna have it posted on wattpad by tomorrow morning,,, That is, on Monday morning folks,,, I'm writing this at around 2:00AM... O.o.... don't ask,,, sometimes that way is better..
I've just realised why I have a pounding headache!! Some would say it is because I have been staring at a screen too much and to get-the-f**k-away-from-that-laptop-right-now.....buuuut I figured out why and I'm-staying-on-the-laptop-go-f**k-yourself-haha-too-late.
I have been typing away for the past two hours without my glasses on..*headesk* I sometimes wonder where my logic is.. Then I look and find it on the sofa along with my wisdom and common sense.
Proof reading is so boring... but when you don't do it you realise how many mistakes you actually make in your writings....*sighs* We are not as perfect as we immediately assume....
I currently have 100 unread tweets on my time line.. WTF GO TO BED PEOPLE!! I have a Tumblr if anyone interested!! http://ruke-pammant.tumblr.com/ ta daaaa!!!! It might not be much at the moment,, but I'm hoping it will grow into something bigger, I just need you guy's support to make it work!!!
I'm going to end this really short and really lame post, because I'm going to type up my story onto wattpad.. I will post a link when it is done!!
I love you all loads!!
I Basically,, go to sleep at 8:00 in THE MORNING....then wake up at around 12:00 in the afternoon.... I blame the Internet for this disturbance to my life,,, not to mention my 5SOS playlist on repeat, heheh...
32 page views already!! It might not sound like a lot but I am so happy that people are actually taking the time to read my blog!! If my mom lends me her phone, I will hopefully be able to upload some pictures and make life more interesting.... I mean.. who wants to just sit and read a wall of text? That's right,, No-one....
I'M WRITING A 5SOS FANFIC!!! WOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I'm hopefully gonna have it posted on wattpad by tomorrow morning,,, That is, on Monday morning folks,,, I'm writing this at around 2:00AM... O.o.... don't ask,,, sometimes that way is better..
I've just realised why I have a pounding headache!! Some would say it is because I have been staring at a screen too much and to get-the-f**k-away-from-that-laptop-right-now.....buuuut I figured out why and I'm-staying-on-the-laptop-go-f**k-yourself-haha-too-late.
I have been typing away for the past two hours without my glasses on..*headesk* I sometimes wonder where my logic is.. Then I look and find it on the sofa along with my wisdom and common sense.
Proof reading is so boring... but when you don't do it you realise how many mistakes you actually make in your writings....*sighs* We are not as perfect as we immediately assume....
I currently have 100 unread tweets on my time line.. WTF GO TO BED PEOPLE!! I have a Tumblr if anyone interested!! http://ruke-pammant.tumblr.com/ ta daaaa!!!! It might not be much at the moment,, but I'm hoping it will grow into something bigger, I just need you guy's support to make it work!!!
I'm going to end this really short and really lame post, because I'm going to type up my story onto wattpad.. I will post a link when it is done!!
I love you all loads!!
Friday, 14 November 2014
Twitter Life or should I say, 5SOS are taking over....
Hey up!
So.. I joined Twitter recently ( I know right,, where have I been the past 4 years? XD) and it has been taking over my life,, or should I say, my night-times, since that is when I am most online.
It really sucks not having a phone you know... I have to wait until like, 9:00 in the evening,, then frantically search though 5SOS's posts to see if I missed anything awesome.. which is all the time, XD
DERP CON IS TOMORROW!!!! Or should I say...today, since I am writing this at 5:36 AM. What the Hell insomnia!!! Give a girl a break. *sighs*
So,, I have 352 followers on twitter now... I am considering that an achievement since I only joined about a month ago.. I'm still waiting for a follow from my Sunshine/4, but I'm sure I will get there someday. I try not to be all,,, you know, up in thier faces, d'you get me? Rather than spamming them with loads of tweets begging them to follow me or making derogatory comment involving grotesque sexual stuff,,,, I kinda make my presence known with just being...nice you know? I mean,,, They're people just like us, they have feelings, and I'm pretty sure they want to be left the f**k alone sometimes as well.....so I try to be the quiet fan. Although sometimes I wanna scream with frustration when they follow one of the really screamy obnoxious fans and not me...
ANNNYWAY!!! Where was I before I got distracted by those boys? Ah,, How comes the celebrities only have like,, a couple of hundred favourites on Twitter? I have over a thousand and I've barely been on for a month, XD
I am having reeeal bad chocolate cravings right now. *insert crying emoji* WAAAAH
It's that time of month I guess. WHY MEEE!!!! AAAAAAH..
My uncle is staying over the night.. It feels really wierd when there is someone in the house who isn't normally there lol..
I need to peeeeeee but I'm too warm and cosy to get out of bed....plus my uncle is in the room next to the toilet and, call me wierd,, but I hate it when people hear me peeing lol....
I love it when I find really pretty quotes on the Internet...but I hate it when there are no cool pictures to match.. grrr..on the bright side,, I can make my own!!!
I'm going to finish this post now,, And I will try to post more regularly from now on.. I actually completely forgot that I had this blog, XD.
I love y'all!!!
So.. I joined Twitter recently ( I know right,, where have I been the past 4 years? XD) and it has been taking over my life,, or should I say, my night-times, since that is when I am most online.
It really sucks not having a phone you know... I have to wait until like, 9:00 in the evening,, then frantically search though 5SOS's posts to see if I missed anything awesome.. which is all the time, XD
DERP CON IS TOMORROW!!!! Or should I say...today, since I am writing this at 5:36 AM. What the Hell insomnia!!! Give a girl a break. *sighs*
So,, I have 352 followers on twitter now... I am considering that an achievement since I only joined about a month ago.. I'm still waiting for a follow from my Sunshine/4, but I'm sure I will get there someday. I try not to be all,,, you know, up in thier faces, d'you get me? Rather than spamming them with loads of tweets begging them to follow me or making derogatory comment involving grotesque sexual stuff,,,, I kinda make my presence known with just being...nice you know? I mean,,, They're people just like us, they have feelings, and I'm pretty sure they want to be left the f**k alone sometimes as well.....so I try to be the quiet fan. Although sometimes I wanna scream with frustration when they follow one of the really screamy obnoxious fans and not me...
ANNNYWAY!!! Where was I before I got distracted by those boys? Ah,, How comes the celebrities only have like,, a couple of hundred favourites on Twitter? I have over a thousand and I've barely been on for a month, XD
I am having reeeal bad chocolate cravings right now. *insert crying emoji* WAAAAH
It's that time of month I guess. WHY MEEE!!!! AAAAAAH..
My uncle is staying over the night.. It feels really wierd when there is someone in the house who isn't normally there lol..
I need to peeeeeee but I'm too warm and cosy to get out of bed....plus my uncle is in the room next to the toilet and, call me wierd,, but I hate it when people hear me peeing lol....
I love it when I find really pretty quotes on the Internet...but I hate it when there are no cool pictures to match.. grrr..on the bright side,, I can make my own!!!
I'm going to finish this post now,, And I will try to post more regularly from now on.. I actually completely forgot that I had this blog, XD.
I love y'all!!!
Friday, 17 October 2014
Konnichiwa Universe
Welcome to my blog,,, I've never done one before,,,,, Let's hope this goes well...
The name of the blog is In My Pyjama Bottoms, because I am mostly on my computer at night, in my PJ's.. hence the name...
I'm not one for revealing every aspect of my internal life,,, But I'll open up a few as the Blog goes on...visit often..one thing you should know about me however,, is that I tend to be kinda hyper... You have been warned...
Let's start with a few things I like,,,, Um,, top of the list is...*drum-roll*
5 Seconds of Summeeeeeeeeer!!!!! What can I say? Perfection,, Personified. *fan-girls shamelessly*
The second is food,, I love eating, And I'm not worried about my weight, or the way people view me. In fact,, If someone says I'm fat I would probably go and scarf down some cookies,,, XD. With a glass of milk to add to calorie and fatness content... *laughs* What can I say,,.. It's my body not theirs,,, If I'm fine with it then what does it matter what other people think of me?
The Third is Being online,, like,, aaaalll the tiiime.... XD. I got into a really bad habit of drinking about 6 cups of coffee a day,,, and staying up until the early hours of the morning,,, that being, 7:00 or 8:00.. then I conk out,,,, Although I sometimes go through the whole day and night without sleeping a wink.. Coffee does that you see,,,, *thinks* So does Lucozade when you think about it....which I just did. :p
Hm... I will leave the rest of me to come out in my posts..... I have no idea what this blog will about by the way... It's just a spur of the moment thing,,, let's hope it works out...
So.... I shall repost soon my minions....
Welcome to my blog,,, I've never done one before,,,,, Let's hope this goes well...
The name of the blog is In My Pyjama Bottoms, because I am mostly on my computer at night, in my PJ's.. hence the name...
I'm not one for revealing every aspect of my internal life,,, But I'll open up a few as the Blog goes on...visit often..one thing you should know about me however,, is that I tend to be kinda hyper... You have been warned...
Let's start with a few things I like,,,, Um,, top of the list is...*drum-roll*
5 Seconds of Summeeeeeeeeer!!!!! What can I say? Perfection,, Personified. *fan-girls shamelessly*
The second is food,, I love eating, And I'm not worried about my weight, or the way people view me. In fact,, If someone says I'm fat I would probably go and scarf down some cookies,,, XD. With a glass of milk to add to calorie and fatness content... *laughs* What can I say,,.. It's my body not theirs,,, If I'm fine with it then what does it matter what other people think of me?
The Third is Being online,, like,, aaaalll the tiiime.... XD. I got into a really bad habit of drinking about 6 cups of coffee a day,,, and staying up until the early hours of the morning,,, that being, 7:00 or 8:00.. then I conk out,,,, Although I sometimes go through the whole day and night without sleeping a wink.. Coffee does that you see,,,, *thinks* So does Lucozade when you think about it....which I just did. :p
Hm... I will leave the rest of me to come out in my posts..... I have no idea what this blog will about by the way... It's just a spur of the moment thing,,, let's hope it works out...
So.... I shall repost soon my minions....
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