Hey everyone! I'm sorry for the wonderful lack of posts.. you see, I have a nasty habit of staying up all night on my laptop, then being a zombie all day..then when night time comes back around... I crash...and wake up... ah.. let's just say it is no longer AM when I wake up...more like late afternoon... *embarrassed*..
The kittens are doing really well. They sleep in my room, and they get really hyper just as I am falling asleep, ((whenever I actually decide that's a good idea)) what is it called when they literally crawl the walls? Yeah. That's what they do... every night. -_-.
I still love them though. <3.
They should put little smiley faces on Blogger...
I haven't been online for ages cos I was sick. (NUUUUU) that is why I have not been posting, it's not that I hate you or anything. I promise.
Yeah,, wish me luck in getting better.
I hate the fact that when I come on blogger I am full of ideas, then when I start typing they just seem to disintegrate. Yeah that sucks.
My writing is going really well though, I've decided to withdraw my stories until I have typed up a significant amount of chapters, then I will release them one by one. I've nearly filled up an entire notebook that had nearly 500 pages in it, wow...I seem to write more in the book than on wattpad but who cares? At least there is material waiting to be used.
My mom has confiscated my laptop for an indefinite amount of time which is totally not cool,, but that is entirely my fault for not waking up at a reasonable time... I hope that if I wake up early she will give it back to me after a while. I hope... If not then I'm gonna be sad cos I had loads of pictures and story inspiration on there.
I am having a very strong wanting for chocolate cake.. that would totally complete my life right now. when my mom gets back from the shops I'm gonna make one, yay!! Chocolate cake is soo nummy...
I shall leave you all now.... enjoy my previous post of my all time favorite bands...I know my sister will kill meh lol...
Sunday, 18 January 2015
Sleep Deprived.... O.o..
5 Seconds of Summer,
United Kingdom
Fangirling wahaha
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Hii I feel like I owe something to you guys for being so awesome and reading my blog that is so epicly lame.. SO...here are loads of pictures of 5SOS, Ledapple, and BigBang.. cos I love you all... I listened to Let The Wind Blow by Ledapple on repeat so much that I can sing along to it fluently...-_- that's embarressing... |
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Take me out of the oven 'cos I am so done... |
Laptop bans..-_-
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Is there such a thing as bloggers block? cos thats what I have had,....-_- I promise I will be writing more soon, *hugs*
Is there such a thing as bloggers block? cos thats what I have had,....-_- I promise I will be writing more soon, *hugs*
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Kitty pictures
So I managed to get some pictures of new kittens, Bear, and Teddy, and I wanted to show them to you guys,,,, here they are! Just so you know, Teddy is the black and white one, (technically he isnt black) and Bear is the smokey Tabby..
There they are!!!!!!!!!!! Little cuties right?
So I managed to get some pictures of new kittens, Bear, and Teddy, and I wanted to show them to you guys,,,, here they are! Just so you know, Teddy is the black and white one, (technically he isnt black) and Bear is the smokey Tabby..
There they are!!!!!!!!!!! Little cuties right?
Monday, 24 November 2014
Teddy, and Bear!!!!!!!
Double post,,,I know, and each within a few minutes of each other....^.^
The exiting news that I have to share with you is::::::::: *dramatic drumroll*
My mom went to London for a massage course that she goes to, one weekend a month...and she was going to come back with one kitten from the litter my oldest sister's cat had had... Weell,, She came back with TWO!!!!!!!! GYAAAAAAAAAAAAH! My little brothers are torturing them already,,,,but they're used to my nephew so they're not totally vulnerable lol. They know how to escape.
They are called Teddy, (boy) and Bear, (girl) I kid you not,,, Bear actually looks like a bear. *cracks up*
I will try my hardest to upload some pictures, and show you my little beauties!!! Teddy belongs to the whole family. -_-...but my mom got Bear specifically for me because she was my favourite in the beginning. Right now they are both curled up together in their cat carrier. They are going to sleep in my room for the night so they get accustomed to the smell of the house and stuff. I want to see if they will sleep in my bed with m like my old cat used to. We had to leave my little Fletcher (I swear to God I named him that before I had ever heard of a certain Ashton Fletcher Irwin :p..seriously though....) in Morocco when we came back to England from our holiday...(Yes we got a cat on holiday....). But a week before we were due to leave he went missing..we think he got hit my a car, Because he has absolutely no sense of road safety. He used to sit in the middle of the road and watch the traffic speed towards him.... O.O.... So Yeah...We think he got up-close-and-personal with a car. *cries*
Anyway!! Back to the present, and to my two very much alive kitties!!! They are so jumpy poor wickle things.. :(. Teddy is really really shy. He was the runt of the litter poor sod, even though he is the biggest now, he still has a complex...very much a ...What is it called? BUSH-DWELLER!!! I REMEMBERED!! WOOOOO!!! Bear is a tree-dweller. Definitely. She was out in the middle of the room, playing with some weird duck to thingy that my mom bought from Pets at Home, (as opposed to in the shops. kekeke). She loves it...^w^
I'm gonna post a couple of pictures of my other cat, Fletcher.... RIP Fletchie,,,, I love you always.

That's him with the kittens of another cat we rescued, Her name is Ruby. She is still alive,,,^.^ She got hit by a car as well, about a month before we returned to my native England, (home!!home!!!) miraculously, she survived, we think her back was broken, but it healed really well and recently our old neighbour sent us pictures of her and she was perfectly normal which was amazing!!

This was the last time we saw him before he disappeared. :(
He had been sitting under a car or something and had a big black smudge on his handsome face.

And last but definitely not least!! A close-up of his handsome face!!!!!!!!!
Them lazy bones....
Hey up!
Alright, so, a couple of people may or may not be wondering about the title of this post...I'm going with the latter, since, I myself understand it perfectly well...
I've named this post this because I feel incredibly tired. Like, aaall the time...also I watched a movie a while ago called " Them lovely bones" I was very nearly crying buckets...anyway, It's been stuck in my head for about a week now for some reason. So I thought maybe getting it out of my head like this will banish it
I apologise for my increasingly lame, short, and boring posts. But I still can't believe that I have had 103 page views. *dances around room*.
I've started to do a couple of drawings...I will hopefully be able to take a couple of pictures on my moms phone, Then I will show the world my great lack of hand-eye coordination!!! I'm sure you all can't wait...*insert laughing emoji*
I'm trying to figure out how to stop my posts coming up on my Google+...So far I am failing...Stop judging me..
I have some exciting news to share with y'all.....
Alright, so, a couple of people may or may not be wondering about the title of this post...I'm going with the latter, since, I myself understand it perfectly well...
I've named this post this because I feel incredibly tired. Like, aaall the time...also I watched a movie a while ago called " Them lovely bones" I was very nearly crying buckets...anyway, It's been stuck in my head for about a week now for some reason. So I thought maybe getting it out of my head like this will banish it
I apologise for my increasingly lame, short, and boring posts. But I still can't believe that I have had 103 page views. *dances around room*.
I've started to do a couple of drawings...I will hopefully be able to take a couple of pictures on my moms phone, Then I will show the world my great lack of hand-eye coordination!!! I'm sure you all can't wait...*insert laughing emoji*
I'm trying to figure out how to stop my posts coming up on my Google+...So far I am failing...Stop judging me..
I have some exciting news to share with y'all.....
Saturday, 22 November 2014
Posters block
I've been thinking for ages what to write about, and I cant think of a damn thing. -_-.
Normally I just open up my blog and write whatever is on my mind. but I don't know what has been happening recently,,, I cant think of anything to do and it really sucks..
I just wanted to update y'all that I might not post for a little while. There are some family problems happening at the moment, what with my sister moving out and my parents getting a divorce... yeah.
My dad seems to think that he can redeem his marriage by ''wooing'' my mom. ( I used his exact word there). He also seems to think that he can use me as a crutch for his feelings. I just sit there and want to scream. It's like, I can't help you with your marriage, I'm just a scared, depressed, 14 year old girl stuck in the crossfire like an awkward third-wheel. I seriously need some chocolate. *cries*
Anyway...I won't depress the world with my family business.
I wrote a story,, if anyone would like to read it and comment.
Please read it....
I love you all!!!
Oyasumi nasai!
I've been thinking for ages what to write about, and I cant think of a damn thing. -_-.
Normally I just open up my blog and write whatever is on my mind. but I don't know what has been happening recently,,, I cant think of anything to do and it really sucks..
I just wanted to update y'all that I might not post for a little while. There are some family problems happening at the moment, what with my sister moving out and my parents getting a divorce... yeah.
My dad seems to think that he can redeem his marriage by ''wooing'' my mom. ( I used his exact word there). He also seems to think that he can use me as a crutch for his feelings. I just sit there and want to scream. It's like, I can't help you with your marriage, I'm just a scared, depressed, 14 year old girl stuck in the crossfire like an awkward third-wheel. I seriously need some chocolate. *cries*
Anyway...I won't depress the world with my family business.
I wrote a story,, if anyone would like to read it and comment.
Please read it....
I love you all!!!
Oyasumi nasai!
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